Zodiac signs

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Zodiac signs dates

Zodiac signs dates

In total, there are 12 signs of the zodiac, corresponding to 12 constellations on the ecliptic - a large circle of the celestial sphere, along which the movement of the Sun visible from the Earth passes. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces - this is the complete list of zodiac signs used to make horoscopes.

In non-traditional Western astrology, there is also the 13th sign - Ophiuchus, covering the time period from November 30 to December 17. But when compiling horoscopes, it is not used.

The most compatible zodiac signs

According to astrology, each person is born under his own constellation and this determines his main character traits, life priorities and relationships with other people. Astrology is not an official science, but it has many adherents all over the world. One of the main questions she answers is: are two people born under one or another zodiac sign compatible? We are talking about love / sexual compatibility and friendships.

You can believe in astrology or not, but statistics show that its predictions in the vast majority of cases turn out to be correct, or at least not far from the truth. Based on centuries of observation, today it is possible to say in advance which zodiac signs are best compatible with each other. The top five most successful combinations include:

Cancer and Scorpio

Most astrologers believe that this is the best of the existing combinations, especially if a man is born under the sign of Scorpio, and a woman is born under the sign of Cancer. Scorpio finds calm and peace in Cancer, and Cancer is impressed by the strength and energy of Scorpio. The life goals and priorities of these signs also almost always coincide. Such a couple can exist in harmony all their lives, mutually complementing and supporting each other.

Pisces (double)

This is exactly the case when two kindred spirits find each other and practically do not meet resistance when they get closer. Pisces are often on the same wavelength and understand each other without words. There are frequent cases when such perfect compatibility does not bring together, but rather repels potential partners who refuse to believe in the smoothness and unhinderedness of building relationships. But if a pair of Pisces has already arisen, the probability of its breakup is minimal.

Aries and Sagittarius

As a rule, people born under these signs are extroverts who prefer communication to loneliness. Their relationship is often tied up in companies, against the backdrop of fun and humor, and go on the same wave when communicating face-to-face. The pair "Aries + Sagittarius" is characterized by the type of relationship in team (in a team), when many phrases and jokes are understood only by the two of them and no one else. If the circle of communication remains wide, Aries and Sagittarius do not bother each other, which could happen if they had to communicate only one on one for a long time.

Sagittarius and Pisces

Despite the strong emotions (both positive and negative) that will inevitably arise in the Sagittarius + Pisces pair, she has every chance of successfully existing for many years. These signs can compensate each other and smooth out differences, and the main leitmotif for them will be mutual respect and empathy.

Virgo and Capricorn

A truly strong couple that can unite both in the background of a romantic / sexual relationship, and on the way to achieving life goals. As a rule, such unions are a bit conservative and are created / strengthened gradually - over a long time and in compliance with various rules / rituals. But after Virgo and Capricorn are completely open to each other, it is almost impossible to destroy such a couple.

Least Compatible Zodiac Signs

If the above combinations of zodiac signs are considered the most successful and in most cases lead to the creation of harmonious relationships, then the following list, on the contrary, includes the most undesirable combinations from the point of view of astrology. So, the top five most unfortunate couples include:

Cancer and Aquarius

As a rule, Cancer represents peace and family comfort, and Aquarius - waywardness and freedom of choice. In a couple, they have practically no chance of getting along, and one of the partners will sooner or later begin to annoy the other. In addition, Cancer is a more down-to-earth zodiac sign, while Aquarius is a more elevated one. This will lead to additional disagreements when setting goals, improving life, communicating with mutual friends.

Aries and Taurus

Venus's ward, Aries, is worst paired with Taurus, who tends to be slow and does everything gradually rather than "here and now." Thus, the second will inevitably "slow down" the first, preventing him from moving forward - towards the goal. If Taurus is a woman, and Aries is a man, then the first, one way or another, will try to control the second, which is completely unacceptable for his freedom-loving nature.

Libra and Scorpio

Scorpio in life needs drive, extreme and strong emotions, and Libra needs balance and calm, sensual relationships. This will inevitably lead to conflict when Scorpio once again wants to show his hot temperament and bring his partner to white heat. For Libra, such a relationship is too difficult emotionally and they need a more balanced partner. And for Scorpio, on the contrary, relations with Libra seem too boring and dull, so such an alliance is initially doomed to failure.

Gemini and Capricorn

As a rule, Geminis are cheerful and easy-to-communicate people who tend to turn a blind eye to all the negativity happening around. Such unfounded optimism will, at the very least, annoy the serious and prudent Capricorn, or, at the most, ruin his plans if these signs lead a joint life. From the point of view of Capricorn, Gemini will lack responsibility and practicality, and from the point of view of Gemini, Capricorn will lack optimism, fun and humor. Such unions cannot be called successful in any way and usually they either do not form, or exist for a very short time after creation.

Leo and Scorpio

Ice and fire can only combine until the former extinguishes the latter, or until the latter melts the former. The same can be said about the fiery Leo and the ice Scorpio, for each of which only one option is possible - the complete suppression of the opposite zodiac sign. Each of them will pull the blanket over himself and will not be ready to please the partner, adjusting to his interests. If such unions are possible in business, then they are completely unsuitable for love / sexual relationships, at least in the long run.

It cannot be said that the listed combinations "work" only in one way and nothing else. Deviations / branches from the main concept are always possible. But practice shows that in the vast majority of cases, Libra and Scorpio really do not get along with each other, and Virgo and Capricorn actually create strong and stable couples. The same goes for the other combinations listed above.

There are 144 combinations of zodiac signs (12×12) in total, each of which could be described in more detail, but this would require filling out more than a dozen pages. Therefore, we have presented in the text only the most striking positive and negative examples that top the lists of horoscopes.

What is my zodiac sign?

What is my zodiac sign?

People born under different constellations really differ in character and temperament. Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has its own characteristics and a compatibility table with other signs, by which you can determine whether this person is right for you to build relationships: friendship, business or love.

All signs are divided into 4 groups according to the elements: fire, earth, air and water. The first are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the second are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the third are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, and the fourth are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. How do they differ from each other and what unique features do they have?

The most unique features of the zodiac signs

You may not believe in astrology, but in the vast majority of cases it really correctly describes the characters and characteristics of people born under different constellations. Each of the 12 signs is unique, and if we summarize all the observations made for them over the past centuries, we can make detailed and fairly accurate characteristics.


A fire sign, often characterized by a wayward and uncompromising character. It is a big mistake to try to criticize Aries, as he will immediately blacklist such people and no longer entrust them with anything really important. At the same time, outwardly, Aries may look unflappable and do nothing to show that he did not like the criticism. If this sign occupies a leadership position, subordinates must behave extremely tactfully and accurately, otherwise you can easily fall under the distribution.

For a love/sexual relationship, Aries is more likely to choose a cheerful laugher than a serious and thoughtful woman. One of the best compatibility signs is Pisces, against which Aries like to flaunt their activity and originality. Whatever lifestyle Aries leads, he will always insist on its correctness, even if it is completely contrary to generally accepted standards. Such people are often called stubborn and thick-skinned, which is often perceived by them as a compliment.


One of the most emotional signs of the zodiac, which is characterized by sudden mood swings. Fun can quickly turn into apathy and vice versa. As a true earth sign, Taurus is attached to the material values ​​of this world and feels truly happy only when his house is a full bowl. Taurus love to succeed in front of other people and discuss other people's failures. But they rarely stoop to outright sabotage, preferring to contemplate rather than act.

A significant part of Taurus is prone to conflicts, from which they get real pleasure. Taurus can not hesitate to get involved in an argument or a fight, and feels real happiness when he defeats an opponent. Another feature of this sign is swiftness and haste. He often acts intuitively - without thinking, and rushes to do as many things as possible during the day. Peace and tranquility does not appeal to him. Taurus should always be in the thick of things.


This air zodiac sign loves to deny everything and act outside the box - not like the majority of people. To raise his ego, he chooses obviously the weakest opponents, the victory over which is guaranteed. Since it is not easy to find such opponents in real life, Gemini often satisfy their passion in rivalry in computer games. This is enough for them not to bully others and at the same time feel the best.

Among Gemini, there are many fans of unusual and rare cars, in which they drive around the city and impress everyone. If there is no money for a good car, it is replaced by bright, non-standard clothes, hairstyle and stylish accessories. Many Geminis are constantly in a state of internal dialogue and are prone to paranoid moods. Sometimes it seems to them that the whole world is against them, and for this it is enough to give them a sharpness or a disapproving look.


A water sign often associated with introversion. For such people, the house is a fortress in which only proven and reliable guests can be allowed. From them, Cancer receives the bulk of the information about what is happening in the outside world. The concept of fashion is alien to Cancer, he does not seek to follow the crowd in everything. Often this turns into negligence: both in clothes and in hair and style. For many Cancers, their own life is not interesting, it is important for them to know how other people live and feel. They can draw this information both from real life and from TV/Internet.

This sign of the zodiac is characterized by various hobbies: from collecting to cross-stitching. Sport occupies one of the last places in their lives and takes too much energy. The same applies to the work that Cancers seek to simplify as much as possible, and ideally, to transfer it all home, to their “fortress”. The most common professions for this sign are telecommuting / IT, or quiet living in the office.


Those born under this sign often become leaders (in work/communication) and narcissistic personalities prone to narcissism. For Leo, the main thing is to be in the spotlight, the second roles do not suit him. He can interrupt interlocutors and impose his point of view on them, and gets upset when he fails to "break the applause". Lion men often remain bachelors, because they cannot find a suitable worthy couple for themselves, and if they marry, they suppress their partner and adjust it to themselves.

It is difficult to communicate on an equal footing with the Lions, since they do not recognize anyone but themselves as leaders. They prefer physical attachment to spiritual attachment, and therefore in relationships, sex is always in the first place for them. The antipodal sign for Leo is Aries, with whom they almost never can find a common language. Humility and appeasement makes Lions bored, they want to convince and remake everyone who lives, in their opinion, too quietly and calmly.


One of the most complex and controversial signs of the zodiac, belonging to the elements of earth. Virgos often become pedants and strive to idealize everything, and when they fail to do this, they experience acute spiritual discomfort. Expressing their emotions is not the most favorite activity for Virgos, they prefer to be a “closed book” that others must understand and study on their own. Because of this, conflicts and misunderstandings often arise, because Virgo often means something completely different from what others see and hear.

An extroverted Virgo is a rather rare phenomenon, but if the stars were formed this way, then in front of you is a complex and contradictory person, acting peremptorily and without regard for the interests of other people. Violation of someone else's personal space for such Virgos is in the order of things, they can take great pleasure in feeling their own strength and invulnerability. Virgos know how to make friends for real, but they see the world in black and white and easily transfer people from the status of "friends" to the status of "enemies" if they no longer correspond to their inner convictions.


This zodiac sign tends to balance everything and bring things to a common denominator. The opinion of others for Libra is of great importance and they rarely go against the flow. The best pastime for this zodiac sign is discussing anything: from the latest news to new fashion trends. “Appearing” for Libra is much more important than “being”, so they pay maximum attention to their appearance and behavior. Often, going to a store or a bank is not a forced necessity for them, but a reason to show others their wardrobe, see people and show themselves.

Libras are mediocre materialists who don't care about things. They can spend more on purchases than they earn (getting into debt) and part with them just as easily. Work for this zodiac sign is not so much a source of income as an opportunity to be in a society of people. Therefore, they do not experience much discomfort, even working in low-paid positions, provided that they fit well into the team and are on the same wavelength with it.


Outstanding personalities and intellectuals are often born under this water sign. A significant part of hackers and IT specialists in the world are Scorpios. They do not strive for equality with other people and often prefer to live in fictional universes. For Scorpio, the characters of a book or a movie can be more valuable and more important than real people, to whom he often looks down and does not consider himself equal.

If Scorpio has the opportunity to distance himself from society, he will take advantage of it, as well as the chance to take a high position and command other people. This zodiac sign rarely gives in to emotional outbursts and acts thoughtfully in most situations. At the same time, pedantry and accuracy are not inherent in him, and if no one sees him, Scorpio will behave as he pleases, up to slovenliness. He will always prefer quizzes and competitions to lotteries and drawings, where the winnings do not depend on blind fortune, but on the efforts and achievements of the participants.


The zodiac sign most prone to adventurism and, to some extent, sociopathy. The opinion of those around Sagittarius does not care, and he can both talk loudly during a church service, and go over the heads when building a career. Sexual / love relationships with this sign almost always work out well: due to the fact that he does not attach much importance to them and does not suffer when they are terminated.

There are especially many Sagittarius among all sorts of eccentrics, vagrants and circus performers who voluntarily or by coincidence left society and do not follow its fashion trends. Such people are good at communicating with children, but for rational adults they are like a bone in the throat. Adventurism and revolutionism are in their blood, so any attempts to rein in Sagittarius and make him like everyone else turn out to be a failure.


This earth sign is considered one of the most reliable, hardworking and at the same time - boring. Congenital materialism allows Capricorn to stand firmly on his feet, but many sublime matters are inaccessible to him and frankly uninteresting. There are especially many mathematicians, physicists, chemists and other specialists in the exact sciences among Capricorns, who are considered to be complex and boring.

As a rule, Capricorn is very well versed in only a few things / directions, but shows ignorance and carelessness in all other areas of life. But this does not prevent him from feeling the best and growing his own ego to the point of indecent. The owners of such a complex and ambiguous character often find themselves without friends and relationships, but they are able to be proud of this and attribute loneliness to their own originality.


Many representatives of this zodiac sign can be attributed to the rank of the soul of the company. They know how to be really cool and in demand in any team and beyond. Aquarius can easily communicate with a large number of people at the same time and effectively play in public without delving into discussions and without offending anyone.

Many rock stars and popular singers of the last century were born under this constellation. Communication and being in the spotlight are indispensable conditions for their happiness, even if we are not talking about famous people, but about ordinary Aquarius inhabitants. They are prone to non-standard and sometimes shocking actions, like to have a glass of wine and talk about extraterrestrial matters.


People born under this sign often stand out from the crowd and behave in an extraordinary, eccentric way. They are rarely taken seriously, but if friendship with Pisces is established, then it is serious and for a long time. Criticism is what they least expect from others. To offend a Fish, it is enough to disapprove of its appearance or behavior.

Representatives of this zodiac sign (and especially representatives) often have a fine mental organization and specific preferences that are incomprehensible to the majority of people. They may know more about a 50-year-old movie or an 18th-century book than they do about the latest news reports. And the best company for Pisces, oddly enough, can be other Pisces, with whom they will be on the same wavelength.

Summing up, it is worth adding that the listed descriptions of the signs of the zodiac do not claim to be 100% accurate and reliable. Astrology is not the only thing that affects the development and formation of personality. Two adult Capricorns can differ from each other more than Virgo and Libra, or Leo and Scorpio. But in general, the horoscope is still true, and there are many more people whom he characterizes correctly than those who do not find their unique features in it.