Zodiac signs dates

In total, there are 12 signs of the zodiac, corresponding to 12 constellations on the ecliptic - a large circle of the celestial sphere, along which the movement of the Sun visible from the Earth passes. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces - this is the complete list of zodiac signs used to make horoscopes.
In non-traditional Western astrology, there is also the 13th sign - Ophiuchus, covering the time period from November 30 to December 17. But when compiling horoscopes, it is not used.
The most compatible zodiac signs
According to astrology, each person is born under his own constellation and this determines his main character traits, life priorities and relationships with other people. Astrology is not an official science, but it has many adherents all over the world. One of the main questions she answers is: are two people born under one or another zodiac sign compatible? We are talking about love / sexual compatibility and friendships.
You can believe in astrology or not, but statistics show that its predictions in the vast majority of cases turn out to be correct, or at least not far from the truth. Based on centuries of observation, today it is possible to say in advance which zodiac signs are best compatible with each other. The top five most successful combinations include:
Cancer and Scorpio
Most astrologers believe that this is the best of the existing combinations, especially if a man is born under the sign of Scorpio, and a woman is born under the sign of Cancer. Scorpio finds calm and peace in Cancer, and Cancer is impressed by the strength and energy of Scorpio. The life goals and priorities of these signs also almost always coincide. Such a couple can exist in harmony all their lives, mutually complementing and supporting each other.
Pisces (double)
This is exactly the case when two kindred spirits find each other and practically do not meet resistance when they get closer. Pisces are often on the same wavelength and understand each other without words. There are frequent cases when such perfect compatibility does not bring together, but rather repels potential partners who refuse to believe in the smoothness and unhinderedness of building relationships. But if a pair of Pisces has already arisen, the probability of its breakup is minimal.
Aries and Sagittarius
As a rule, people born under these signs are extroverts who prefer communication to loneliness. Their relationship is often tied up in companies, against the backdrop of fun and humor, and go on the same wave when communicating face-to-face. The pair "Aries + Sagittarius" is characterized by the type of relationship in team (in a team), when many phrases and jokes are understood only by the two of them and no one else. If the circle of communication remains wide, Aries and Sagittarius do not bother each other, which could happen if they had to communicate only one on one for a long time.
Sagittarius and Pisces
Despite the strong emotions (both positive and negative) that will inevitably arise in the Sagittarius + Pisces pair, she has every chance of successfully existing for many years. These signs can compensate each other and smooth out differences, and the main leitmotif for them will be mutual respect and empathy.
Virgo and Capricorn
A truly strong couple that can unite both in the background of a romantic / sexual relationship, and on the way to achieving life goals. As a rule, such unions are a bit conservative and are created / strengthened gradually - over a long time and in compliance with various rules / rituals. But after Virgo and Capricorn are completely open to each other, it is almost impossible to destroy such a couple.
Least Compatible Zodiac Signs
If the above combinations of zodiac signs are considered the most successful and in most cases lead to the creation of harmonious relationships, then the following list, on the contrary, includes the most undesirable combinations from the point of view of astrology. So, the top five most unfortunate couples include:
Cancer and Aquarius
As a rule, Cancer represents peace and family comfort, and Aquarius - waywardness and freedom of choice. In a couple, they have practically no chance of getting along, and one of the partners will sooner or later begin to annoy the other. In addition, Cancer is a more down-to-earth zodiac sign, while Aquarius is a more elevated one. This will lead to additional disagreements when setting goals, improving life, communicating with mutual friends.
Aries and Taurus
Venus's ward, Aries, is worst paired with Taurus, who tends to be slow and does everything gradually rather than "here and now." Thus, the second will inevitably "slow down" the first, preventing him from moving forward - towards the goal. If Taurus is a woman, and Aries is a man, then the first, one way or another, will try to control the second, which is completely unacceptable for his freedom-loving nature.
Libra and Scorpio
Scorpio in life needs drive, extreme and strong emotions, and Libra needs balance and calm, sensual relationships. This will inevitably lead to conflict when Scorpio once again wants to show his hot temperament and bring his partner to white heat. For Libra, such a relationship is too difficult emotionally and they need a more balanced partner. And for Scorpio, on the contrary, relations with Libra seem too boring and dull, so such an alliance is initially doomed to failure.
Gemini and Capricorn
As a rule, Geminis are cheerful and easy-to-communicate people who tend to turn a blind eye to all the negativity happening around. Such unfounded optimism will, at the very least, annoy the serious and prudent Capricorn, or, at the most, ruin his plans if these signs lead a joint life. From the point of view of Capricorn, Gemini will lack responsibility and practicality, and from the point of view of Gemini, Capricorn will lack optimism, fun and humor. Such unions cannot be called successful in any way and usually they either do not form, or exist for a very short time after creation.
Leo and Scorpio
Ice and fire can only combine until the former extinguishes the latter, or until the latter melts the former. The same can be said about the fiery Leo and the ice Scorpio, for each of which only one option is possible - the complete suppression of the opposite zodiac sign. Each of them will pull the blanket over himself and will not be ready to please the partner, adjusting to his interests. If such unions are possible in business, then they are completely unsuitable for love / sexual relationships, at least in the long run.
It cannot be said that the listed combinations "work" only in one way and nothing else. Deviations / branches from the main concept are always possible. But practice shows that in the vast majority of cases, Libra and Scorpio really do not get along with each other, and Virgo and Capricorn actually create strong and stable couples. The same goes for the other combinations listed above.
There are 144 combinations of zodiac signs (12×12) in total, each of which could be described in more detail, but this would require filling out more than a dozen pages. Therefore, we have presented in the text only the most striking positive and negative examples that top the lists of horoscopes.